

“In the heart of Tirana, an ambitious initiative, ‘Fondi i Komunitetit,’ seeks to breathe new life into aging buildings of the Enver Hoxha era. With a focus on the dire needs of Kombinat’s residents, this fund promises external and internal modernization of their homes. Yet, as enthusiasm wanes and challenges mount, the call for action becomes more pressing. Dive into the complexities of revitalizing historical structures and the pivotal role of community engagement in making urban transformation a reality.”

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In a heartfelt exploration of what it means to be part of a community, a father reflects on his daughter’s artwork titled “KOMUNITETI IM.” This blog delves into the layers of understanding and valuing the essence of communal living, as seen through the innocent yet profound perspective of the younger generation. Through personal narrative, it examines the shifting dynamics of community spirit across generations, emphasizing the role of upbringing and societal influences. This story not only questions our individual contributions to the community but also ignites hope for a more connected and communal future, inspired by the simple yet powerful vision of a child. Join us as we navigate the complexities of belonging, responsibility, and the subtle teachings our children bring into our lives, reminding us of the fundamental values that bind us together as a community.

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Belindit duhet ti njihet merita per luften demaskuese qe ka bere, DHE VAZHDON TE BEJE, kunder vjedhjes me te madhe te kryer ne kete vend ndonjehere nga pushtetaret qeverises si ne nivel qeverisjeje qendrore, dhe ca me shume, te qeverisjes ne nivel lokal, specifikisht, Bashkia e Tiranes se Veliaj!!! Bravo Belind!!! Qe te verteten per…

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